Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Next Step

Great news, they have started construction on the brewery! I couldn't be more excited to see that bare earth.

Scoop putting in work

As soon as I found out the happy news I packed up the baby and Therese and drove over to check out the progress. While there I utilized my top flight photography skills as you can plainly see from today's post. For evidence please reference Item 2.1a.

Item 2.1a

Note how I captured the dirt mover machine (technical term), the current restaurant, and the finance sign. You can probably tell the I once audited a photography class at GRCC.

In related news, it seems as if things are falling into place nicely. I am excited with how my pilot batches have been turning out. There are still a few rebrew tweaks and concepts that I want to try out, but over all the beers are where I want them.

I was told that we are shooting for early 2012 for a completion date. I can't wait to start making beers and giving the Schuman tour.

Drink good beer with good people!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Bulldog Red Label Competition Winner

Presenting the winning entry for our Bulldog Red. Thank you for all that made submissions!

Drink good beer with good people!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Ambrosia Honey Kolsch

Ambrosia Honey Kolsch is the perfect summer drinker. This beer features german pilsner malt, a portion of wheat, and locally sourced honey. We use a traditional german kolsch yeast strain that helps to accentuate the light floral character of the honey and back those aromas up with very subtle fruit notes.

Drink good beer with good people!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Summer Beers

Here is a link to a good video with Justin Crossley of The Brewing Network. Check it out!

Home With Lisa Quinn: Great Beer for the Party

Drink good beer with good people!